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Martha Beck is the author of several books, including Steering by Starlight, Finding Your Own North Star (Piatkus, UK), Finding Your Way in a Wild New World (Free Press, NY) and is also a monthly columnist for O, The Oprah Magazine.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP helps us understand how our thoughts and language affect our experience or model of the world, and our behaviour patterns.  It can help improve your communication and achieve change.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT*).  EFT uses tapping on the meridian points of the body to balance the body’s energy system.  It is an effective tool in dealing with both emotional and physical issues.

Matrix Reimprinting uses EFT while accessing painful scenes or memories from your past, and it can help release the energy of trauma and transform the event.  This technique can “rewrite your past and transform your future.”

PSYCH-K ®. With PSYCH-K ® we can uncover and change any beliefs that may be limiting you.

• Life Lessons for the Adult Child (Penguin, SA) by Judy Klipin. If you had a childhood which you experienced as unpredictable or inconsistent, then you may have several characteristics and beliefs that are universal to Adult Children.  Adult Child coaching allows you to understand your experience and find new ways to move forward in your life.

HeartMath® uses techniques and technology (that are scientifically validated) to deal with stress, build resilience and improve performance.
